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Wednesday 15 May 2013

An open-air stone sculpture exhibition in Portugal: Sintra Arte Pública lX

This sculpture exhibition is being staged until the 10th June 2013 at Sintra, a beautiful town to the west of Lisbon in Portugal. The theme of the exhibition is 'Myths and Mythology' (in Portuguese: 'Os Mitos e a Mitologia')

The eighteen carvings all feature stone, mainly marble, combined in some sculptures with metal. Portugal has large quarries of fine marble to the east of Lisbon.

The sculptures are set out alongside the road and had a crafts market going on next to them when I took these photos of thirteen of them. This, combined with the fact that some labels had been removed, means that I can't tell you who created every sculpture. It was a very pleasant surprise to come across them all though!

Nicolau Campos – “Dragão Aprisionado”
José Alves – “Fauno”

Stefano Beccari - "A Sereia"

Elliot Sharrad Jones – “Histórias do Tempo dos Sonhos”

 Élio Oliveira – “ El Rei D. Sebastião”

Beatriz Cunha – “Titã Fragmento”

Diogo Rosa -  “Eva”

Moises Preto Paulo- "Logos. Ansa"

Abílio Febra – “ A Lenda do Guerreiro-Musico”

Linda de Sousa – “Dafne”

Vincent Williams “As Minhas Memórias de Madagascar”

This granite bench was near the  stone sculptures. I'm not sure that it was part of the exhibition, but I like it. The inscription is a quote from Paul Valéry and reads: 'O mar, o mar, sempre recomeçado!' which translates as 'The sea, the sea, always beginning anew!'

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